Christian Fiction That You Will Love Reading - Saving Christ - Starway Seven


A Highly Recommended Christian Fiction Read!

Saving Christ - Starway Seven

Saving Christ is a love story between Jesus and a modern-day woman sent back in time. Time travel sends the woman to the last seven days of Jesus’ life from a modern viewpoint.

For more information about Author Francis T. Perry Williams
 JC Time Travel.

Christian Fiction Books

A CBM Christian Book Review - Get ready to fly, sail, camp and discover! This is a fast-paced Christian-themed scientific journey of exploration filled with technical discovery and building, as a beloved father and son grow in their Christian faith and make a surprising discovery underneath the Earth. ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews ~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

David and son, Aaron, work together in this exciting exploration of earth and sea as a father and son duo filled with comradery, showcasing faith and trust in Jesus. Their adventures take them across the globe, and both admit that they love exploration, especially David. 

Exciting, the two find different landscapes traversing across sea and land in their exploits. Questions have arisen from a mysterious island sinking near Heard Island. Lessons range from oceanography, Earth Science to sailing emerge, as they discover circular chasms on the sea floor under the deep waters surrounding the island. Aaron’s search has begun. Why did that island just disappear and sink, and why so violently? Aaron had barely escaped. 

Yet, despite their commonalities as father and son, their Christian faith keeps them going. Witty and filled with vivid writing and an understanding of how the world works, the author slides in tidbits of life lessons from the Bible. The freedom between these two is refreshing and will leave one yearning for travel and adventure. Building and designing ideas seem to flow between them, passed down from the previous generation. With a taste for adventure, readers will enjoy scenery changes from sea planes to a luxurious jet. Their journeys take them farther than they could have imagined. 

From the southern ocean, over the Atlantic to Africa, notably Zanzibar, with a pitstop in Madagascar before an Antarctic expedition. Then both are off again – this time to the jungles of South America. The two travelers begin to answer questions as to the reason why that island sank; this leads them to Canada. The untouched Artic tundra to be exact. 

The Gospel message and salvation is intertwined within the book. Meanwhile their Christian faith brings hope. David teaches his son lessons, deep lessons about love, God’s creation and why God had to allow evil. These are much appreciated answers without complicated theology. The way David answers just makes sense. 

This is a wholesome adventure recommended for young boys and girls above the age of twelve and comes highly recommended as a scientific, Earth-Science and Christian-based novel that gives the desire to explore different places throughout the world. One might even have a map handy, as these two travel quite extensively.  

A wonderfully written novel that never left me with a dull moment. I felt as if I had travelled right there with father and son. A well-done book fit for family entertainment!

You may get your copy of Passage Finder at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

A Mind Bending Read - Christian Fantasy Fiction Book

Highly recommended for young men and women who love Christian fantasy fiction and adventure within a truly epic and heroic saga, intertwining spiritual battles of good versus evil.

In Book 1 of this epic Christian suspense saga (The Mindruler), lives collide in a grand battle taking place on another world. A student, a lecturer, a web designer and a retired teacher are forever changed when they find themselves in an unknown reality. In this alien place they are drawn into a deadly battle against the evil Mindruler and his minions. 

These overlords control people’s thoughts, thereby governing their every move and making them slaves through this ultimate invasion of people’s psyche and self-will. Freedom is at stake and reality will be forever altered if the Mindrulers succeed.  

Imagine waking up and finding yourself in another reality, another paradigm, one you don’t know how to escape from! Fantastically written, the book unfolds the characters’ daily lives, carefully developing each of them in a way that draws readers in and keeps them on edge, glued to the page, wondering what happens next, as these four individuals discover the strange and confusing new reality of an alien world. Long-awaited prophecy is being fulfilled in them, though they struggle to believe this at first. But gradually they discover that mindbending is real, and find themselves embroiled in medieval battles with swords and armor. Yet victory awaits them as they learn to rely on One whose power is greater than the Mindruler, despite his use of a nation’s resources together with spiritual and mental oppression to achieve his goals.

Guided by a brilliant writer, one will find oneself engaged along with the characters in this epic conflict on a faraway world that holds deep, dark secrets. Reluctantly to begin with, these very ordinary people from Earth learn to accept their role as “Restorers of the Way”; and as they travel from crisis to crisis, they begin to grow into the true Restorers they are intended to be. But they soon realize that the weapons of their warfare are not those one would normally expect. Special ‘instruments’ help them with their task, and they discover that the only way out is to go through! The author has included wonderful maps to illustrate the journeys that make up this grand adventure.

This is a well thought-out and fantastically creative book, surely a movie in the making! It awakens fantasy and portrays the age-old dragon’s attempts to steal, kill and destroy. Christians understand that this spiritual battle is real: the author has presented a breathtaking and harrowing look inside prevalent evil, and created a masterpiece of fiction that takes readers to an imaginary world that is both similar and unique, like and yet unlike our own world.

Magnificently done and highly entertaining! You may get your copy of The Mindrulers at Amazon

A Page Turner - The Jesus Ring

A Highly Recommended Must Read
Available In Paperback and in Kindle


An ancient ring washes onto the sand and shells of the Florida shoreline. Peter Christian, a young American veteran struggling with PTSD, finds the ring and slips it on his finger. He isn't aware the ring's last wearer was God's own son. 

The ring's purpose is to find the person chosen to champion the faithful into the future, if it has one. Peter discovers the ring will change him physically and gives him the ability to communicate directly with God. 

God has given the humans this last chance to come back to him, or he will wash his hands of the Petri dish we call Earth and leave it to Satan and his swarm to devour and destroy. This time, the ring has chosen a warrior instead of a lover of peace, as there are harsh times coming. 

Peter is very familiar with the ominous, horrific events predicted for the end-time, and he will be given the means to build fantastic devices to help save mankind, if the faithful win. Peter and eleven disciples have been destined for this seemingly insurmountable task. This time God will take a bigger presence in the fight, but He won't win the battle for them if there are not enough faithful to make winning worthwhile. Satan's harvesters, huge carnivores that can only prey on the unfaithful, are coming, and time is running short for the Golden Twelve to save as many as they can. 

 The Jesus Ring is a modern-day interpretation--but with many new twists--of the events foretold in the Bible's book of Revelation. There has never been an apocalyptic fiction written like this before.